Ampps 1.5 <![CDATA[Ampps 1.5]]>
Good work guys]]>
Thu, 26 Jan 2012 06:25:09 GMT
The Softaculous AMPPS Team has released AMPPS 1.5
This version of AMPPS adds some cool new features and fixes some bugs.

A complete list of changes:

1) The current version of AMPPS for Windows include:

Softaculous AMPPS 1.5(Softaculous 4.0)
Apache 2.2.21
PHP 5.3.9 and 5.2.17
PERL 5.10.1
Python 2.7.2 with mod_wsgi 3.3 module
MySQL 5.5.20
phpMyAdmin 3.4.9
SQLite Manager 1.2.4

2) The current version of AMPPS for Mac include:

Softaculous AMPPS 1.5(Softaculous 4.0)
Apache 2.2.21
PHP 5.3.9 and 5.2.17
PERL 5.14.1
Python 2.7.2 with mod_wsgi 3.3 module
MySQL 5.5.20
phpMyAdmin 3.4.9
SQLite Manager 1.2.4

3) The Softaculous AMPPS Enduser home page now shows the top 15 scripts with a cool new UI.

Board Image

4) The Javascript has been improved and now Softaculous loads faster.

5) AJAXified the list software page which shows the scripts in a category.

6) Added JSON and XML output support.

7) Added sprites for script icons for faster loading (e.g for pages like list software, ratings, demos).

8 ) Added script icons in list installation page.

9) Now packages will be downloaded first and on success old packages will be deleted. This should resolve the "INFO.xml not found" error.

10) Bug Fix : Version compare bug fix for "+" symbol in any version of script.

11) Bug Fix : Fixed the UI bug of list installations page when no installation is there.

The Softaculous AMPPS Team
Tue, 24 Jan 2012 11:20:42 GMT