The viifbr0 is not started. Please run service virtnetwork start <![CDATA[The viifbr0 is not started. Please run service virtnetwork start]]> service virtnetwork start
after updating settings. it will not work if the virtnetwork is already started. You should do
service virtnetwork restart
service virtnetwork stop
service virtnetwork start
I spent few hours and few reinstalls of the OS to solve this issue. Even the help documents only mentions service virtnetwork restart.]]>
Mon, 19 Jul 2021 06:41:09 GMT
<![CDATA[The viifbr0 is not started. Please run service virtnetwork start]]> Possible reasons for viifbr0 not getting created :
1. The primary interface name is different than that of default (eth0)
-- If this is so, then specify Network Interface name under Admin Panel > Configuration > Master/Slave Settings > Network Interface

2. If eth0 already exist and it do not have a gateway and IP assigned
-- If your server's network is working then this can be the case when you have another NIC with public IP.  Specify this NIC to Virtualizor by following above  point 1.

3. Your server's default gateway is not in the same network as your server's IP range.
-- If this is so, then you will have to manually fill in network details under /usr/local/virtuailzor/universal.php file specifying
IP, Netmask, Gateway and interface name.

If all above mentioned points are not cause of your network issue, then create a ticket with Virtualizor to troubleshoot it further.
Wed, 17 May 2017 05:00:45 GMT
<![CDATA[The viifbr0 is not started. Please run service virtnetwork start]]> Tue, 16 May 2017 10:38:09 GMT <![CDATA[The viifbr0 is not started. Please run service virtnetwork start]]>
The viifbr0 is not started. Please run service virtnetwork start..

Can you please paste the error message displayed, when you run "service virtnetwork start" ?

Can you please confirm that you have specified the primary network inetface in Virtualizor if it is other than eth0, in Configuration >> Slave Settings  >> General settings ?

Also can you confirm that IP, NETMASK and GATEWAY are specified  in your network interface file ?
If you want you can also create a permanent bridge file  by following the guide in the link below :
Mon, 30 Jan 2017 06:21:58 GMT
<![CDATA[]]> service virtnetwork start..

Like did exactly what all the guides said and nothing works. Any suggestions of a decent guide?
Sat, 28 Jan 2017 19:56:54 GMT