Softaculous <![CDATA[Change email and username]]>
Quote  June 14, 2024, 2:00 pm
I would like to delete my account and unsubscribe from all emails. :angel:
As per your request we have closed your account.
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 14:30:43 GMT
<![CDATA[How to change your primary domain]]>
Just listing the domains fails, because you can't edit the primary domain information.

Here, I believe for the first time, is the secret:

Both the old and new domains should already exist.

Click on Webuzo > root panel > Users > List Users > Square Pencil Icon (edit) . Changing the user domain changes the old primary domain into a parked domain. ]]>
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 14:17:27 GMT
<![CDATA[I want to move a site created with Sitepad ...]]>
Quote From : hanajijang February 15, 2024, 2:17 am
To move a website created with Sitepad to another domain name, you can follow these steps:

Create a Backup:

In Sitepad, go to the dashboard or settings of your website.
Look for the option to create a backup or export your website. This usually involves generating a backup file that contains all your website's files and database information.
Download the backup file to your computer.
Set Up the New Domain:

Make sure you have purchased and configured the new domain name where you want to move your website.
Ensure that the new domain is properly pointing to your web hosting account.
Upload the Backup:

In Sitepad, access the dashboard or settings of your new website, which is associated with the new domain.
Look for an option to import or restore a backup. This is where you'll upload the backup file you downloaded earlier.
Follow the prompts to upload and restore the backup to your new website.
Update Site Address:

Once the backup is restored, navigate to the settings or general settings section of your new website.
Look for the option to update the site address or domain name. Enter the new domain name here.
Save the changes.

Visit your new domain name in a web browser to ensure that the website is now accessible from the new domain. slither io Test different pages and functionalities to make sure everything is working correctly.
By following these steps, you should be able to successfully move your Sitepad website to a new domain name. If you encounter any difficulties, you may want to reach out to Sitepad's support for further assistance.

Ensure you have purchased the new domain and configured it to point to your web hosting account. DNS Settings: Update the DNS settings to point the new domain to your hosting provider. This typically involves updating the A record or CNAME record.]]>
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 09:50:16 GMT
<![CDATA[How to enable virtualization in vps in virtualizor?]]>
Quote From : rohitbind April 11, 2024, 4:50 am
Hi Sir,

To enable nested virtualization on  the host you have to check the below guide once >> fnf

Please let us know,

Different hosting providers have varying policies and capabilities. Some may offer VT-enabled instances as a standard, while others might require special configurations or additional fees.]]>
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 09:45:59 GMT
<![CDATA[How? Install previous version / branch of specific app]]>
Apologies for the late reply.

We are working on it and shall launch the OJS 3.3.0.x branch asap. We shall update you here once we launch the same.
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 09:38:44 GMT
<![CDATA[decimals for resource pricing]]>
Quote From : radwebhosting April 24, 2024, 3:47 pm
I also agree since the resources are calculated in 1 GB integrals at hourly integrals. In USD, a 10GB storage would be $7.30/mo when based on the least possible assigned cost $0.001 during a month that has ~730 hours.

Now, we would much prefer to charge our users less for this amount of disk.

I imagine there might be other currencies also, where 3 decimal places is unsuitable.

I created my own solution by changing the template and the database. Let me know if you are interested, I can share it with you.]]>
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 04:33:57 GMT
<![CDATA[Question about Softaculous Auto Plugin Update Mechanism]]> I work for a big WordPress plugin company, and we've encountered a serious bug affecting our customers, potentially linked to the Softaculous auto-update process.
Could a Softaculous developer clarify the exact process used during an automatic plugin update? I am particularly interested in whether Softaculous extracts the update directly into the existing directory, overwriting any conflicting files, or if it completely removes the old version before extracting the new one.
For example, if a plugin version 1.0 includes a file named "version-1.php" and this file is removed in version 2.0, replaced by "version-2.php", what would happen to "version-1.php" after an update via Softaculous? Do both files remain, or is the older one deleted?
A clear understanding of this process is crucial for ensuring our plugins maintain seamless functionality across updates.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.]]>
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 03:35:07 GMT
<![CDATA[How to use DNS to migrate into a Webuzo server?]]> Mon, 24 Jun 2024 22:48:38 GMT <![CDATA[How to use DNS to migrate into a Webuzo server?]]>
You can migrate domains from your previous company's panel directly to Webuzo, either via import from DirectAdmin or cPanel, without interrupting your services. Your domain will continue to function seamlessly on the old server until the migration is complete.

If you still have questions about our solution, please raise a ticket through our ticketing system. This will allow us to log in to your server and assist you accordingly.

please let us know your old hosting panel ?

Mon, 24 Jun 2024 22:09:29 GMT
<![CDATA[I am unable to install Memcache on my webuzo server]]>  so we can assist you further or resolve all your issues here.

let us know
Mon, 24 Jun 2024 18:27:12 GMT