Spanish translation does not work under some browsers... <![CDATA[Spanish translation does not work under some browsers...]]>
Sir please provide us the translations if you can provide.
Here is the guide for the translation :

Let us know for further information.]]>
Tue, 10 Aug 2021 10:42:42 GMT
<![CDATA[Spanish translation does not work under some browsers...]]>
Please open a ticket and send your files at so that we can check your files and solve the issue that you are facing.
Mon, 07 Sep 2015 07:10:50 GMT
I have been using Virtualizor on one dedicated server during a couple of  weeks.

I have been doing a lot of things, understanding the panel logic and making some test translations to see if it works under Spanish language.

I have translated some parts of the user control panel from english to spanish, following your instructions about how to make a language file.

After change the profile language and test the translation on some browsers, I have found It works ok under browser Mozilla version 40.0.3 but does not work at all under Google Chrome Versión 45.0.2454.85 m

When I use Google Chrome the language shown is always English, but at using Mozilla on the same notebook & OS, the spanish language is shown correctly.

Could you check and repair it please?


Carlos Alvarez
Virtualizor Admin
Sat, 05 Sep 2015 22:23:54 GMT