Softaculous <![CDATA[Webuzo - Apache - Change Document Root]]> ]]> Wed, 25 Sep 2024 18:38:33 GMT <![CDATA[Simplifying Online Gaming Laws in India]]> Wed, 25 Sep 2024 07:49:51 GMT <![CDATA[Auto Update Mechanism]]> ]]> Tue, 24 Sep 2024 16:21:49 GMT <![CDATA[Delete Account]]>
Quote  September 23, 2024, 7:37 am
I would like you to delete my account. Pleae delte my account

    As per your request we have deleted your account.
Tue, 24 Sep 2024 12:35:24 GMT
<![CDATA[Auto Update Mechanism]]> If Softaculous and WordPress both are set to auto update WordPress would update the version first and then when Softaculous will try to upgrade the installation it will notice that it is already updated so it will not update WordPress but rather update Softaculous records that the installation is already updated.

So there is no harm in enabling updates in both Softaculous and WordPress.

Regarding your duplicate plugin folder we will test it on our servers and get back to you.

Also if you would like to deactivate a plugin you can do it from the Softaculous UI itself instead of logging into FTP and manually renaming the plugin folder. It will avoid such duplicate issues in the future.

You can deactivate the plugin from Softaculous using the below guide :]]>
Tue, 24 Sep 2024 12:32:05 GMT
<![CDATA[Unable to Install WordPress Due to Softaculous Free License in Webuzo]]>
Sorry for the delay in response.

I will explain how Softaculous licensing works with Webuzo.

Webuzo Personal Plan (1 account) - Softaculous Premium included for Free
Webuzo Mini Plan (4 accounts)  - Softaculous license needs to be purchased separately
Webuzo Professional Plan (15 accounts) - Softaculous license needs to be purchased separately
Webuzo Business Plan (unlimited accounts) - Softaculous license needs to be purchased separately

You can purchase the Softaculous license here :

The above details are mentioned on the Webuzo pricing page as well :]]>
Tue, 24 Sep 2024 12:25:00 GMT
<![CDATA[Softaculous WordPress Remote Import Not Working]]>
In Remote Import your destination server will try to connect to your source server's FTP server.

Please make sure your source FTP server does not block connection requests from destination server IP via Firewall. ]]>
Tue, 24 Sep 2024 12:19:51 GMT
<![CDATA[Auto Update Mechanism]]>
Question 1) What takes precedence on a site that has both Softaculous & WP Auto Updates set to 'on'? Does Softaculous take over the onboard WP Auto Updates, do they compete with one another, is it redundant to set both to 'yes'?

Question 2) In a case where both are set to 'yes' which is responsible for what I recently observed?

Scenario: A recent auto update of one plugin
caused a fatal error on my site, so I FTP’d in and appended the plugin
folder name with -p to deactivate the plugin so I could log into the back end. I forgot to toggle off auto update in both Softaculous and WP.. I put
in a ticket with the plugin dev and overnight a second (new) folder of
the plugin, only a newer version that was released over that same night,
coincidentally, was created on the server. I looked at the back end and
there were two instances of the plugin on the plugins page. Both
deactivated, both set to auto update, one was the next to last version
(my appended one) and one was the latest version released over night.

My question
is: Is this normative behavior that a deactivated, renamed plugin set to
auto update would install a whole other plugin folder with the latest
version in it? In the decade of using WP, I have never observed this duplication of folders before.
Mon, 23 Sep 2024 19:10:35 GMT
<![CDATA[Delete Account]]> Mon, 23 Sep 2024 07:37:39 GMT <![CDATA[Activating php version]]> ]]> Sun, 22 Sep 2024 03:02:38 GMT