Softaculous <![CDATA[SitePad 1.8.5 Launched in Stable branch]]>
We have launched SitePad 1.8.5 in the Stable branch.

1) [Task] Added support for YOCO payment gateway in Kkart.

In the next version, we will try to enable caching for improving the website speed and also backup options. Many more features are also in the making for E-Commerce and blogging options.

The SitePad Team
Thu, 20 Jun 2024 10:14:23 GMT
<![CDATA[Clone Staging website to Root]]> Backup Your Staging Site:
Similarly, create a backup of your staging site. This ensures you have a working version in case anything goes wrong during the migration.
Ensure Your Staging Site is Ready:
Verify that the staging site is completely ready to go live. Check all functionalities, links, and plugins.
Use Softaculous to Clone the Site:
In Softaculous, you can use the Clone feature to move your staging site to the root domain. Follow these steps:
Log in to your hosting control panel (cPanel or similar).
Open Softaculous and find your staging WordPress installation.
Click on the Clone icon next to your staging site.
In the cloning options, select the root domain as the destination.
Ensure the "Directory" field is empty to clone the site to the root directory.
Proceed with the cloning process.
Update URLs:
After cloning, you may need to update the URLs in your WordPress database to reflect the new domain. This can be done using a plugin like "Better Search Replace" or manually via phpMyAdmin:
Search for and replace it with.
Check Permalinks and Settings:
Go to WordPress dashboard > Settings > Permalinks and re-save your permalinks structure to ensure all links work correctly.]]>
Thu, 20 Jun 2024 01:14:17 GMT
<![CDATA[Backuply 1.3.2 Launched]]>
The change logs are as follows:-

* [Improvement] Restores work better now, will go into maintenance mode when restoring the database to prevent noise from other WordPress or plugin functionalities, which could break the restore sometimes.

* [Improvement] We have refactored Google Drive lib and it will improve the speed of download when restoring by at least 10%.

* [Improvement] Backups will sync just after they are uploaded, using Backuply's upload module.

* [Bug-Fix] PHP warnings on backup_ins.php have been fixed.

*[Bug-Fix] PHP warnings when deletion of backups has been fixed.

We are constantly working on improving Backuply, if you have any suggestions or feedback, write us at

Backuply Team]]>
Wed, 19 Jun 2024 15:50:33 GMT
<![CDATA[Very slow support]]>
Quote From : Bhavinn June 18, 2024, 9:43 pm

Sir, we will help you migrate the account please open a support ticket with us at:

Let us know.

This has been sorted out by support. The migration has been done and thanks to Webuzo team]]>
Wed, 19 Jun 2024 02:38:41 GMT
<![CDATA[I am unable to install Memcache on my webuzo server]]> to install memcache in webuzo

also you can open the support ticket we can assist you further
let us know
Tue, 18 Jun 2024 23:49:08 GMT
<![CDATA[Fresh Installation MySQL Issues]]>
>> Is there an error in the installation script or something else that would cause this to happen?

Sir, there is no error in the MySQL/MariaDB installation script.
If you give us server access to check the installation process's task log, we can check.
You can open a support ticket with us at:]]>
Tue, 18 Jun 2024 23:34:19 GMT
<![CDATA[Not Found - 404]]> >>Any page I open on my website sends me this message:

Sir, execute this cli command as a root:webuzo --rebuild_vhostif you still face the same issue please open a support ticket with us at:

Let us know.
Tue, 18 Jun 2024 23:28:45 GMT
<![CDATA[How to use DNS to migrate into a Webuzo server?]]>
What puzzles you. If two servers, possibly on different hosting companies, and with different IP addresses, host the same domain names (such as, you do not see that this is a problem for the DNS system?

For migration, one wants one domain name to work for on server 1, and a separate domain name to work for on server 2. Anyone who has ever migrated from one server to another understands this problem. You don't want server 2 to be seen until migration is done, and you want server 1 to be seen and work until migration is done.

If you can't understand this, I give up.

Anyway, the solution simply requires one spare domain name, let's call it .

If server 1 hosts websites and, then the solution is to set up so its A record points to on server 2. Under you set up subdomains and .

After you do this, you can migrate easily by using and to refer to sites on server 1, and by using and to refer to the same sites as set up on server 2.

Once server 2 is setup with websites and mail, you reorganize server 2 to look like server 1, and set the new nameservers to transfer from server 1 to server 2.

I hope this idea helps others.]]>
Tue, 18 Jun 2024 23:14:30 GMT
<![CDATA[Softaculous does not load until after 1 hour.]]>
>>click the Softaculous link from the webuzo admin panel, its goes to 404.

Sir, it seems the softaculous is not installed correctly on your server. You can reinstall it by referring to this guide:
If you still face the same issue after installing please open a support ticket with us at so we can look into it further.]]>
Tue, 18 Jun 2024 23:01:13 GMT
<![CDATA[How to use DNS to migrate into a Webuzo server?]]>
>>there are two different IPs to choose from (for the old and new servers).

Sir, can you please elaborate on this what issue were you facing in your domain after migrating the server from cpanel to webuzo?

>> but I did solve this problem, if anyone is interested.
Let us know how you resolved the issue.]]>
Tue, 18 Jun 2024 22:17:20 GMT