SUPPORT don't understand questions in english? <![CDATA[SUPPORT don't understand questions in english?]]>
Sir sorry for the inconvenience caused.
I have discuss this matter with Arvind Tiwari and will take appropriate action.

Your license has been transfered.
Let us know if you face any issues.

Mon, 08 Jan 2018 07:28:26 GMT
We asked to move our license key to an another server/IP and we got this answer from Mr. Arvind Tiwari:


As we have checked on your server virtualizor panel is working fine and also tested by creating a testvps its working fine."

What??? Who asked you to create a new VPS??? Who told you, that we can't create a new VPS???

Hopefully next time they will delete your production server.

Sun, 07 Jan 2018 21:32:45 GMT