How to create these partitions <![CDATA[How to create these partitions]]>
Just ask your provider to partition it. Give them the info.]]>
Wed, 10 Jan 2018 14:41:37 GMT
<![CDATA[How to create these partitions]]>
If you use it as master (or slave with template file storage) then the recommendations in the wiki are too small.

Use at least 80GB for root partition, better 100GB  (templates need storage...)
leave swap partition at a max of 2 GB
  here is why:
Use all the rest for the vz partition. This is where your containers are stored.

If you setup a slave server without template storage use
30GB for root
max 2 GB for swap
rest for vz

Tue, 09 Jan 2018 08:42:18 GMT
I'm following this tutorial

And I would like to know how to create these partitions:

Create the following partitions on the Hardware Node:

Partition Size Description
/ 20 GB + Root partition containing all hardware Node operating system files
SWAP 2 times Paging RAM partition for the Linux operating system
Partition to host OpenVZ Templates and Virtual Private Servers

If you have a little tutorial it will make a lot of sense.

Thanks in advance]]>
Mon, 08 Jan 2018 22:44:52 GMT