Virtualizor 2.2.3 Launched <![CDATA[]]>
The Virtualizor Team has released Virtualizor 2.2.3
This version contains some major feature additions and a bug fix.

Below is a list of changes:
1) The Pie Graphs have been updated throughout Virtualizor.
2) The Nodes Bandwidth Graph has been updated and it also shows the incoming and outgoing bandwidth details.
3) The Admin can now specify the Bandwidth of the Node so that the Graphs indicate a true picture of the ramining bandwidth. One can specify the Node Bandwidth in the Admin Panel -> Configuration -> General Settings.
4) Added an option to generate a 2048 bit RSA key while creating the SSL certificate.
5) Added a master switch to enable or disable emails from the Virtualizor panel.
6) Added IP stealing restriction for KVM VPSs (only on RHEL, SL, CentOS 6).
7) Added hourly backups option in VPS Backup Settings.
8 ) VPSs can now be searched by hostname on the List VS page.
9) KVM VPSs now report the same CPU model as that of the host it is running on. (only on RHEL, SL, CentOS 6).
10) VPS Backups/Restore are now optimized to take less space while backing up a VPS. Previously it would allocate twice the size of the largest VPS as temporary backup storage, now it will only allocate exact size of the largest VPS as temporary storage space.
11) Added a pie graph in the SERVER STATISTICS section in the admin dashboard to show individual server disk storage information.
12) Added an option to specify the Disk Cache Mechanism for KVM VPSs. It has been added in the advanced options section in the CREATE VPS and EDIT VPS pages.
13) Added an option to specify the I/O mode for KVM VPSs. It has been added in the advanced options section in the CREATE VPS and EDIT VPS pages.
14) Added an option to disable compression of the Backups. This is optional and by default compression is always on.
15) The SSL Certificate feature in Virtualizor has been updated to show the CSR and also the CA Bundle.
16) [BUG FIX] A bug has been fixed where the CPU % would not be saved while editing Xen VPSs.
17) [BUG FIX] NAT IP Pools on a slave would not sync correctly to the master. This has been fixed.
18) [BUG FIX] The VPS Ram, CPU and Bandwidth Usage tables in the Admin Panel have been updated to show the correct order as per the VPS ID. Also the Hostname of the VPS will be shown.

We have added a UNIQUE feature in Virtualizor. Now when you install Virtualizor on a NEW Server, it will download the LATEST OS template available from our OS Templates.

Also we have added the Portuguese Language in Virtualizor.

Virtualizor supports OpenVZ, Xen and Linux-KVM and they all can be managed from the Master. We are adding more features and if you have any suggestions, do let us know. We hope you enjoy this version of Virtualizor.

The Virtualizor Team
Thu, 22 Nov 2012 13:05:18 GMT