Softaculous 4.1.8 Released <![CDATA[]]>
The Softaculous Team has released Softaculous 4.1.8
This version of Softaculous adds new features and fixes some bugs.

A complete list of changes:

1) Added Task Manager for Endusers. Users will now be able to see existing tasks.

2) Added Error Logging system which can be accessed from the Softaculous Admin Panel. This shows the PHP errors in Softaculous.

3) Admin can now set the default Admin Username or Admin Password to be blank so that the user will have to enter these details while installing a script. These settings can be set in the Admin Panel -> Settings

4) A user can now Turn Off Update Availability notifications for their installations. This can be done on a per installation basis or for all installations as well.

5) Improved the Softaculous packaging API.

6) Bug Fix : JAVA apps were added to iscripts.php. This is now fixed.

7) Bug Fix : Classes were not displayed in chrome due to SSL issue. This is fixed now.

8) Bug Fix : In case of failure during Restore process the exact error which caused failure was not displayed. This is fixed now.

9) Bug Fix : In DirectAdmin installation made on https protocol was installed at public_html instead of private_html. This is fixed now.

10) Bug Fix : While enabling scripts after switching from FREE version to PREMIUM scripts were not downloaded at the first time. This is fixed now.

11) Bug Fix : addon_softaculous.cgi file has been changed as per cPanel requirements. As it was causing FATAL error on few servers. This is fixed now.

The Softaculous Team]]>
Tue, 22 Jan 2013 12:37:43 GMT