Virtualizor VPS Restore Methods <![CDATA[Virtualizor VPS Restore Methods]]>
If I want to restore one of these I am assuming just use the restore
Icon against the VPS I want and choose the date of the backup.


Do I need to shutdown the VPS first while the restore is happening?

No, the script will power off the VPS automatically, you dont need to do it manually.

What is the VPS is so damaged it is not capable of running. Will the restore overwrite everything?

Yes, the restore function will overwrite everything and will make the VPS revert all its changes till that point in time when the backup was taken.

What if the VPS has been cancelled but we still have a backup. What is the proven method of getting the backup back and running?

You will need to create a new VPS with the same config and then restore the backup on the new VPS.

Note : It will require some manual changes to be done.
You can contact our support team to carry out the changes for you.
Tue, 08 Sep 2015 06:42:54 GMT
Have two VP's being backed up via FTP and there appears to be the correct files on ftp site. 2.inf and 2.tar.gz and the same for 4. which is the two PID's in use.

If I want to restore one of these I am assuming just use the restore Icon against the VPS I want and choose the date of the backup.
Do I need to shutdown the VPS first while the restore is happening?

What is the VPS is so damaged it is not capable of running. Will the restore overwrite everything?

What if the VPS has been cancelled but we still have a backup. What is the proven method of getting the backup back and running?

Thanks in advance.]]>
Tue, 08 Sep 2015 04:26:54 GMT