The VPS failed to start <![CDATA[The VPS failed to start]]>
We must admit the support from the Softaculous staff was wonderful, prompt and they resolved our problem. We are now up and running.
Thank You Softaculous Forum Staff


Thank you for your kind words. :)

my problem I reported on Ticket # 545716
where I can not turn on my KVM vps what is causing me a huge prejudice because three days have customers without access to their vps


We have already replied to your ticket and the VPSs are running now.
The issue might be due to running multivirt on a server which is does not meet its requirements.]]>
Mon, 25 Apr 2016 03:27:09 GMT
<![CDATA[The VPS failed to start]]>
We must admit the support from the Softaculous staff was wonderful, prompt and they resolved our problem. We are now up and running.

Thank You Softaculous Forum Staff

Speedy Host
Sun, 24 Apr 2016 21:26:59 GMT
<![CDATA[The VPS failed to start]]>
cunninghambr, please be advised our solution to this problem was quite simply increasing vps resources eg. assigned more CPU and RAM to the vps and it's now working. Each and every operating system has a minimum system requirement as per the link below.

Hope this helps  :xd:

Quote From : cunninghambr April 23, 2016, 1:46 pm
  my problem I reported on Ticket # 545716
where I can not turn on my KVM vps what is causing me a huge prejudice because three days have customers without access to their vps

Sat, 23 Apr 2016 16:29:48 GMT
<![CDATA[The VPS failed to start]]> where I can not turn on my KVM vps what is causing me a huge prejudice because three days have customers without access to their vps
Sat, 23 Apr 2016 13:46:04 GMT
<![CDATA[The VPS failed to start]]>
We request speedyhosta to open a support ticket to check the issue.

And @cunninghambr what error does it gives on starting the vps ?
Sat, 23 Apr 2016 05:02:58 GMT
<![CDATA[The VPS failed to start]]> I over 3 days with this problem
now all my kvm vps in my master node does not start
They present this same problem
were fucionando was normally so I reboot the server and ready stopped all]]>
Fri, 22 Apr 2016 18:36:11 GMT
<![CDATA[The VPS failed to start]]>
have attached resources assign to both master and slave vps. obviously the smaller resources are for the master vps and the one with the most resources is for the slave.

thank you
Fri, 22 Apr 2016 14:36:59 GMT
<![CDATA[The VPS failed to start]]>
Relatively new to virtulizor , and we have managed to install both master and slave. when we go to create a vps it fails with an error. even after this error the vps is in the list and when we go to start we get this error message
Error: (4, 'Out of memory', 'panic: xc_dom_core.c:540:
xc_dom_alloc_segment: segment kernel too large (0x123f > 0x200 -
0x1000 pages)')
Using config file /etc/xen/auto/v1001.cfg.
any ideas what could be causing this issues?


Can you please share the resources allocated to the VPS and server resources ?
Mainly CPU parameters and RAM.]]>
Fri, 22 Apr 2016 03:30:22 GMT
Relatively new to virtulizor , and we have managed to install both master and slave. when we go to create a vps it fails with an error. even after this error the vps is in the list and when we go to start we get this error message

Error: (4, 'Out of memory', 'panic: xc_dom_core.c:540:
xc_dom_alloc_segment: segment kernel too large (0x123f > 0x200 -
0x1000 pages)')
Using config file /etc/xen/auto/v1001.cfg.

any ideas what could be causing this issues?

Thu, 21 Apr 2016 13:56:40 GMT