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You are here: Index > Webuzo > General Support > Topic : How to seperate websites on the same enduser account totally

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 How to seperate websites on the same enduser account totally, keep the evry website safe from any hacked other website (1 Replies, Read 38673 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 3
the ideal case: will be to create many websites on the same account through the API

so I need every website to be Separated, so the other websites will be safe if it is hacked?

also, I  need the ability to create staging and the ability to push a stage to the origin ( manually no need to do that through the API  )

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How to seperate websites on the same enduser account totally
Group: Administrator
Post Group: Super Member
Posts: 2280

Sir, the best way would be to create separate users for websites which need to be separated.


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