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 Softaculous 5.9.8 Launched (0 Replies, Read 7663 times)
Group: Softaculous Team
Post Group: Super Member
Posts: 5701
Softaculous Team has launched 5.9.8 in the Stable branch.

1) [Improvement] The Custom scripts added in Softaculous will now be visible at the top of the category in enduser panel.

2) [Improvement] When WordPress is enabled/disabled via CLI the WordPress Manager icon will now be disabled/enabled respectively.

3) [Bug Fix] In WordPress Manager, Block Access to Sensitive Files feature caused media files whose name contained “ht” characters to render a 403 Forbidden error. This is fixed now.

4) [Bug Fix] In cPanel, previously the scripts category section in Jupiter theme disappeared after cPanel update and it was added back by Softaculous cron once a day which caused a lag. The scripts category will now be added back immediately after the cPanel update completes.

5) [Bug Fix] When installing or removing an installation via CLI if the control panel password contained (=) the process failed. This is fixed now.

6) [Bug Fix] Due to a bug introduced in a recent update the users’ installations for scripts that are later disabled by Server admin were not visible in the Softaculous enduser panel. Such installations will now be listed under the Disabled Scripts Installations section on the All Installations page in the Softaculous enduser panel.

7) [Bug Fix] Fixed issues with PHP 8.1 which caused some functionalities to break in rare scenarios.

8) [Bug Fix] In Directadmin, the links in Top Scripts category did not work due to a recent Directadmin update. This is fixed now.

9) [Bug Fix] In Interworx due to a change in last version of Softaculous, when the script package was not available on the server and a user tried to install that script it lead to an Internal Server Error on the 1st Softaculous page visit and worked after reload. This is fixed now.

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