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 sitepad, struggling to edit template (0 Replies, Read 6001 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 1
hi, im not a newbie to makeing websites, ive worked for the media looking after there sites for them getting paid in merch in the past but i have intelectual disability, classic autism and aquired severe memory damage via severe epilepsy so it can take me a very long time to be able to pick up,process and remember how to do things like editing a template and im unfortunately experiencing that problem right now with sitepad (via softaculous).
im using a template i cant find the name of anywhere at the moment, its a black background, its got a human face on throughout it using UV body paint under UV i think? sorry,its not written on the template itself.
and id have no problem with editing this template if it woud just let me edit the first page at the top,ie the 'home' page other wise it is unuseable. its a perfect template for the subject im using it for so id love to get it working.
ive googled around for a couple of days,and youtubed and not been able to find out whats wrong.
so while in editing mode,im going to the 'navigator' button while on the 'home' page and it takes me to the 'page layer navigator' section,i click onto the first row,so: row>column>title>  -makes sense to me, but it keeps bypassing past the first page and going to the second page which says 'our portfolio' with a mix of latin and english-i have no trouble editing from then and downwards.
does anyone know what im doing wrong? id be so greatful if anyone coud help, cheers.

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