Whmcs module error https://www.softaculous.com/board/index.php?tid=13605 <![CDATA[Whmcs module error]]> https://www.softaculous.com/board/index.php?tid=13605&tpg=1#p40546
Btw, it's VirtualizOr.]]>
Fri, 15 Dec 2017 01:36:01 GMT https://www.softaculous.com/board/index.php?tid=13605&tpg=1#p40546
<![CDATA[]]> https://www.softaculous.com/board/index.php?tid=13605&tpg=0#p40323 Server is properlly connected but when i go to make a new product and under modules when i click on servers and then virtualizer it doesnt show any packages just blank . Ps i have already made packages in master server. Check the screenshot]]> Thu, 23 Nov 2017 15:45:32 GMT https://www.softaculous.com/board/index.php?tid=13605&tpg=0#p40323