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 How to remove template so able to customize Header and Footer, If I deactivate Pagelayer plugin, I can customize the Header & Footer. (1 Replies, Read 19759 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 1
I used Softaculous in cPanel to install WP with a theme.

Styling changes I make via Customize >> Header and Footer do not work... these remain the same. (If I deactivate Pagelayer plugin, I can customize the Header & Footer.)

I read elsewhere about this, and you indicated that the problem is using one of the pre-built templates.

How can I remove this "Website Template" so that I can use the theme, and the Pagelayer plugin, and be able to customize Header and Footer styling?

Thanks in advance,

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 doontoon   How to remove template so able to customize Header and Footer, If I deactivate Pagelayer plugin, I can customize the Header & Footer. (1 Replies, Read 19759 times)
    |--  sumitDev   Hello Sir, Which...   on September 22, 2021, 7:15 am

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