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 Softaculous 6.0.9 Launched (0 Replies, Read 18223 times)
Group: Softaculous Team
Post Group: Super Member
Posts: 5765

Softaculous Team has launched 6.0.9 in the Stable branch. This version includes several fixes and improvements.

1) [Task] Added Support for S3 Compatible MinIO storage for backups

2) [Bug Fix] Alias Management was not working in AMPPS with due to recent update to use PHP 8.2. This has been fixed.

3) [Bug Fix] Restore Template was not working for some old versions of WordPress. This is fixed now.

4) [Bug Fix] List Templates API did not return expected output. This is fixed now.

5) [Bug Fix] In Plesk, in some rare cases incorrect database user was deleted while removing installation. This is fixed now.

6) [Bug Fix] When a FTP/FTPS/SFTP backup location was not accessible via hostname the connection requests were made while trying to attempt a backup. This is fixed now and once the connection fails it will not try again.

We are working on new features for the upcoming version.
Stay Tuned !

The Softaculous Team

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 Brijesh   Softaculous 6.0.9 Launched (0 Replies, Read 18223 times)

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