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 Webuzo 3.4.6 Launched (0 Replies, Read 18146 times)
Group: Webuzo Team
Post Group: Working Member
Posts: 221

The Webuzo
Team has released version 3.4.6 which includes several new features like
MultiPHP manager, Quota Modification , Reset Account Bandwidth Limit
and many more features and fixes.

1) [Feature] Added MultiPHP manager in Admin panel where Admin can manage PHP for all domains.

2) [Feature] Added Change owner of multiple accounts in Admin panel where Admin can change owner of multiple users.

3) [Feature] Added Show Reseller Accounts in Admin panel where Admin can see all resellers users.

4) [Feature] Added Reset Account Bandwidth Limit in Admin panel where Admin can reset the bandwidth limit of users if it is mismatched with the assigned limit.

5) [Feature] Added Quota Modification in Admin panel where Admin can change the quota limit for all users.

6) [Feature] Added Reserved/Locked IPs  wizard in Admin panel.

7) [Feature] Added Show IP Address Usage  wizard in Admin panel.

8) [Feature] Added CLI utility to show domain info.
webuzo --domaininfo domain=example.com

9) [Bug Fix] Change domain IP was not reflected in DNS zones. This is fixed.

10) [Bug Fix] Auto monitoring services was having some issues. This is fixed.

11) [Bug Fix] Email account wizard(Enduser) search was not working. This is fixed.

12) [Bug Fix] cPanel import with overwrite option was not importing the DKIM, SPF, DMARK records. This is fixed.

We are working around the clock to add more and more features. Please stay tuned for more and if you have any suggestions, do let us know by emailing it to sales@webuzo.com

The Webuzo Team

Edited by salman : August 26, 2022, 2:44 pm
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