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 Pagelayer 1.3.6 Launched (0 Replies, Read 22738 times)
Group: Pagelayer Team
Post Group: Working Member
Posts: 158

The Pagelayer team has released version 1.3.6.
This version has many minor improvements for the Pagelayer Editor.
The following is a list of changes :

1) [Improvement] Improved the export and import feature to use global font settings and exported menus and posts.
2) [Improvement] Added the "Open link in new window (tab)" option to the image box button.
3) [Improvement] Added Hide Clip option in the animated heading widget to hide clip from the rotating heading with clip effects.
4) [Task] Pagelayer has been tested with WordPress 5.6 and we have made the required changes.
5) [Task] In the some cases updating of a post/page was not working due to mod_security. To fix this, we are now base64 encoding strings and decoding the data in our AJAX calls.
6) [Task] Added an error alert when the pagelayer live editing would fail if the post was not found. This is a very rare bug, and we will try to add more such error alerts to make the issues clearly known to the user.
7) [Task] Added a check to verify the Facebook App ID format is correct when saving the same.
8) [Bug-Fix] The select and spinner type properties were overlapping in some cases when the label was long. We fixed this.
9) [Bug-Fix] The sub-menu of a primary menu widget contained unwanted padding. This is fixed.
10) [Bug-Fix] In some cases the height of the video widget container was rendered wrong. This is fixed.
11) [Bug-Fix] In some cases the set feature image option in pagelayer editor post properties was not working properly. This is fixed.
12) [Bug-Fix] While editing the accordion widget, the accordion active tab was shown and hidden multiple times. This is fixed.
13) [Bug-Fix] In the some cases the background video was not working properly. This is fixed.
14) [Bug-Fix] In the image slider widget the alt and title attributes were missing. This is fixed.
15) [Bug-Fix] In the Custom HTML widget the text field was not shown. This is fixed.
16) [Bug-Fix] The pagelayer-data key was not updated properly when saving the post. This caused the data of an existing post to be put within a row. This is fixed.

We will be launching many more changes in the upcoming version.
We would also like to thank the WordPress community as we have reached 240000+ active Pagelayer users.

The Pagelayer Team
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