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You are here: Index > Softaculous Auto Installer > Suggestions > Topic : detect public_html when removing script

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 detect public_html when removing script (2 Replies, Read 2833 times)
Group: NOC
Post Group: Working Member
Posts: 113
We get a lot of support tickets from clients who battle with the removal of scripts from Sotfaculous. Can you please add an option for the remove script to automatically determine whether the scripts is installed in the root, and then not give any errors?

I know this sounds lame, but the people who actually use the hosting packages aren't necessarily as technical as you and me, and they don't understand what's going on. To make matters worse, we often get complaints of MD's/ CEO's/ important people in big companies who say our services, support and auto installer script it bad since it's too difficult to use. The "web designer" who is supposed todo the installation often doesn't know Linux, or cPanel, or Softaculous and the end result is that we get a bad reputation due to this. And to explain to a CEO, who thinks he owns the world and doesn't have the time to listen to technical talk is not even an option.
IP: --   

 SoftDux   detect public_html when removing script (2 Replies, Read 2833 times)
    |--  alons   Hi, This fix...   on December 13, 2009, 6:07 pm
    |--  SoftDux   awesome! Thank you...   on December 13, 2009, 11:08 pm

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