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 Webuzo 3.7.3 Launched (2 Replies, Read 24342 times)
Group: Webuzo Team
Post Group: Working Member
Posts: 235

The Webuzo Team has released version 3.7.3 which includes some fixes:

1) [Feature] Added MongoDB database and database user management from enduser panel

2) [Feature] Contact manager feature has been added in the Admin Panel. Admin(s) can now set various contact options like Emails, Slack and PushBullet

3) [Feature] CSF Reseller management has been added

4) [Feature] Added Apache HTTP2 support

5) [Feature] Multiple Reseller Resources / Privileges options have been added

6) [Feature] Reseller Usage Wizard has been added to the reseller panel

7) [Feature] In Admin Panel -> ClamAV added the option to quarantine or delete the infected files

8) [Improvement] The enduser Disk Usage wizard has been improved and its much more faster now

9) [Improvement] Users can now set the cron email

10) [Improvement] ClamAV CPU Limit support has been added for admins to restrict CPU usage.

11) [Improvement] Option to change the number of simultaneous backups during admin backups has been added

12) [Improvement] Email router can now be set for multiple domains at once from the Email Router wizard in the admin and enduser panel

13) [Improvement] Added the option to Force Passive IP address in FTP Configuration which is useful for servers running in a NAT setup

14) [Improvement] Added the setting in Mail Settings to set the Max SMTP connections

15) [Improvement] Added the option to reset the Reseller Privileges to use Global Reseller Privileges for a particular Reseller

16) [Improvement] Added the option to restore a user (who has been deleted) from a backup

17) [Improvement] Improved the logs created by the backup wizard for better debugging

18) [Improvement] Added a cli option to clear PHP sessions which have crossed the max time. You can run the following command to clear expired PHP sessions :
webuzo --clean_php_session

19) [Improvement] Added GUI and CLI utility to auto detect the server's Primary IP and Hostname and update in Webuzo. This is useful when you setup your Webuzo server from an ISO file. CLI command :
webuzo --reconfigure_panel

20) [Improvement] Resellers will now be suspended if total Bandwidth, Disk Space or Inode actual usage limits are exceeded by all reseller owned users combined.

21) [Improvement] Allowed hyphen (-) as a valid character for username

22) [Improvement] Allowed Resellers (owned by themselves) to be able to manage their Quota

23) [Improvement] Added restriction for adding IP as a domain name

24) [Improvement] Added multi select options on several Admin and Enduser Wizards

25) [Bug-Fix] Adding Email filter for Spam score would break the filter. This is fixed.

26) [Bug-Fix] Editing a Backup server in the Enduser panel would not save the new password correctly. This is fixed.

27) [Bug-Fix] While creating a backup in rare cases the temporary mysql user being created for the databases was failing. This is fixed.

28) [Bug-Fix] When sending HTML email with images from domain.com/webmail it was not sent due to Mod Security rules. This is fixed.

29) [Bug-Fix] Added restriction for database name and user starting with tmp_

30) [Bug-Fix] Added restriction for database user to max 32 chars

31) [Bug-Fix] Fixed Logs for Admin Panel -> Service SSL Certificates wizard.

32) [Bug-Fix] On enabling/disabling a Services from Services page the new preference was not shown on UI until the page was Refreshed. This is fixed.

33) [Bug-Fix] Fixed Task search when searching with space in action

34) [Bug-Fix] When multiple Web Servers were installed, in some cases after reboot the other web server was started instead of default one. This is fixed.

Launched in Release Candidate(16-02-2023)

Please stay tuned for more and if you have any suggestions, do let us know by emailing it to sales@webuzo.com

The Webuzo Team
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Webuzo 3.7.3 Launched
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 2
hi, can you share specifically how to install cron email?  Geometry Dash Scratch
IP: --   

Webuzo 3.7.3 Launched
Group: Webuzo Team
Post Group: Working Member
Posts: 235

Can you please elaborate exactly what you want to do.

Edited by salman : July 19, 2023, 11:53 am
IP: --   

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