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 Softaculous 5.9.3 Launched (1 Replies, Read 25918 times)
Group: Softaculous Team
Post Group: Super Member
Posts: 5764
Softaculous Team has launched 5.9.3 in the Stable branch.

Following is the list of changes :

1) [Feature] : Enabled ACL for CWP

2) [Improvement] : PHP 8.1 support for Plesk and Softaculous Remote

3) [Improvement] : Added support for backup on S3 Compatible storage

4) [Feature] : Added setting in Softaculous admin panel to Disable WordPress Security Features.

5) [Bug Fix] : Some tooltips were flickering on hover of buttons on WordPress Manager page. This is fixed.

6) [Bug Fix] : In Softaculous Remote and Enterprise when deleting user their auto backup cron jobs were not deleted. This is fixed.

7) [Bug Fix] : In some rare cases when using old version of mod_security backup process on Softaculous Remote was blocked in false positive trigger. This is fixed.

8) [Bug Fix] : When installations were nested in sub-directories, if the 1st installation in sub-directory was deleted it deleted the directories of nested installations as well. This is fixed.

9) [Bug Fix] : In Webuzo, if minimum password strength was high and the database user password generated by Softaculous had a low score the database user creation failed. This is fixed.

10) [Bug Fix] : In Directadmin when IP was blacklisted the Directadmin API did not return any response. Softaculous will now show an error message in this case.

Webuzo - Multi User Hosting Control Panel
AMPPS - Best WordPress/PHP/MySQL development tool
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Softaculous 5.9.3 Launched
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 3
Thank you very much for the S3 support. I use it with Wasabi and it is really awesome!
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