Vlan and Ip Poll https://www.softaculous.com/board/index.php?tid=17095 <![CDATA[Vlan and Ip Poll]]> https://www.softaculous.com/board/index.php?tid=17095&tpg=1#p51177
Quote From : jevingala October 7, 2020, 8:08 am

If that bridge is already present on server then yo can proceed with adding it on panel as VLAN ip pool and check if that helps.

That worked, thanks so much!]]>
Fri, 30 Oct 2020 09:15:54 GMT https://www.softaculous.com/board/index.php?tid=17095&tpg=1#p51177
<![CDATA[Vlan and Ip Poll]]> https://www.softaculous.com/board/index.php?tid=17095&tpg=1#p50927

If that bridge is already present on server then yo can proceed with adding it on panel as VLAN ip pool and check if that helps.]]>
Wed, 07 Oct 2020 08:08:16 GMT https://www.softaculous.com/board/index.php?tid=17095&tpg=1#p50927
<![CDATA[]]> https://www.softaculous.com/board/index.php?tid=17095&tpg=0#p50925
I have tried creating an ip pool with the vlan on "(Bridge: vmbr0)" but also need to complete "Tag Vlan" and check for firewall. Is this possible from virtualizor-> ip pool

I´m attached screenshot for proxmox atributes of vlan that i need.
Tue, 06 Oct 2020 19:37:13 GMT https://www.softaculous.com/board/index.php?tid=17095&tpg=0#p50925