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You are here: Index > Webuzo > Suggestions > Topic : Feature: enable imap/pop/smtp by user or domain

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 Feature: enable imap/pop/smtp by user or domain (1 Replies, Read 1284 times)
Group: NOC
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 9
I would like to see this feature in webuzo.
An option where the user could enable/disable IMAP/POP3/SMTP access on the account or domain.
Just like in Gmail, the user does not have access to these services, only via webmail, unless they manually enable it through the settings.
This would be a great security and control feature for email boxes.
Implementing security features that protect mailboxes from unauthorized access or alert users of unauthorized access would be a great differentiator for webuzo over other panels.
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Feature: enable imap/pop/smtp by user or domain
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 1
I agree, IMAP/POP3/SMTP access per account or domain, like Gmail, would enhance security and user control. Features like unauthorized access alerts and additional protections would also be great improvements
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