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You are here: Index > AMPPS > General Support > Topic : Lost admin AMPPS password

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 Lost admin AMPPS password (2 Replies, Read 9492 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 2
I try to search the file and delete it but I don't have it, so I don't know how restore my password
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Lost admin AMPPS password
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 2
Try to find this file:

but i don't have it ... and I can't access to AMPPS
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Lost admin AMPPS password
Group: AMPPS Team
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 13
If that file is not there means you do not need to give the password to access AMPPS.
and for the password, If you are using MAC and login window asking for "Allow AMPPS to make changes" then you have to give the password of your Mac admin. (the password you are using to log in to your Mac as admin)
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