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 Webuzo update still create issues (6 Replies, Read 43431 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Super Member
Posts: 1394

Open source, web and security passionate
Webuzo updates still broke my server.

First of all I don't understand why all wrong updates are sent at the week end when the support will be not avaiable. I know maybe you send this updates on friday or on saturday; considering the cronJob for updates will be maybe executed in 24 hours it's easy to understand the update will be on saturday or sunday and this means that if update create issues (and recently every update broken something) your support will be offline.

I belive you have a good team always kind and avaiable to help but it make me little bit angy see you push updates that broken my server and this happen on hollidays day just when support are not avaiable.

Try to send updates on monday or when you will be ready to help for the next 4 days!

This last Webuzo update to 2.8.8 broke my email system so all email was not working, PHP apps and client side also.

CSF cronjob now give an error:
*WARNING* URLGET set to use LWP but perl module is not installed, fallback to using CURL/WGET

Now with the server broken I need wait your help to fix this issues.

The email issue has temporarely fixed by saving again let's encrypt email settings in Webuzo. Maybe you reintroduced the bug that see email broken when you update Webuzo or the email doman SSL is renewal.

Please fix this kind of issues, is very wrong broke the email system as is hard discover this kind of issues and create big problems if users or customer try to open ticket and I'm not notified about this. I stop to receve important email alert due to all this email issues created.

PeopleInside  :angel:

Web, security, open source passionate.
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 peopleinside   Webuzo update still create issues (6 Replies, Read 43431 times)
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