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 mysql error, when I try to connect to the website I'm building on my computer (in local) gives me a error of db connection (2 Replies, Read 6776 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 2
when I try to connect to my website on my computer (in local) gives me a error of db connection:

"Your PHP installation does not have the MySQL extension needed to run WordPress.

Make sure the PHP mysqli extension is installed and enabled.

If you are unsure what these terms mean, try contacting your hosting provider. If you still need help, you can always visit the WordPress support forums."

I put some screenshots to help you help me, the folder where is supposeed to find the configuration file for mysql is empty.
Can you help me?

Thank You

Guido Baroncelli
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mysql error
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 2
here the screenshots
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mysql error
Group: AMPPS Team
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 27
Check if you have enabled the php mysql extension.To enable php extension you can refer to https://ampps.com/docs/endusers/how-to-enable-or-disable-php-extensions

If you have enabled the extension and still having this error then try to visit http://localhost/phpinfo.php and check if you can see extension information about MySQL extension.
if the extension is not enabled in phpinfo too then please share Apache logs here.

also for faster resolution of the issue please open a ticket at https://softaculous.deskuss.com/open.php?topicId=3.

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