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 After rstarting my VPS nothing worked., Is there a bug or Did I do something wrong? (7 Replies, Read 20622 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 2

Having successfully installed all the necessary software (centos-7-x86_64+ Webuzo + Apache 2) and having seen that my website is working,
I modified Apache by enabling Mod deflate. (LoadModule deflate_module modules/mod_deflate.so)

In order to be effective I decided to restart Apcahe 2. But As I tried to restart it I got error message. (Error There was an error while performing the operation)

So I decided to restart my VPS. Webuzo panel and my website became totally unreachable. I had to install everything from the beginning. The same situation occurred numbers of times on the same hosting. I tried this on another hosting firm. The result was the same.

Is there a bug or Did I do something wrong?

IP: --   

 asrez   After rstarting my VPS nothing worked., Is there a bug or Did I do something wrong? (7 Replies, Read 20622 times)
    |--  valley   A VPS restart...   on January 19, 2016, 1:15 pm
    |--  asrez   Thanks valley I'm...   on January 21, 2016, 5:40 pm
    |--  roidbay   A VPS restart...   on March 11, 2016, 12:36 pm
    |--  husain_bhala   Hi, Which version...   on March 21, 2016, 7:23 am
    |--  andiklive   it hapen on...   on April 22, 2016, 3:39 am
    |--  andiklive   dont tell me...   on April 22, 2016, 3:41 am
    |--  valley   Is the Webuzo...   on April 22, 2016, 4:25 am

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