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 Display Problem on phone (1 Replies, Read 6015 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 1
Hi all,I am with the last WP version and with pagelayer.
On my home page a part is with too much boxes displayed simultaneously and the display is bad as too compressed on phones (On laptop the result is correct)
But in the other part of my home page each box is display separated on phones and you scroll left and right and the display is perfect (on laptop they are displayed in the same time and it s ok)

Can you give me the setting to obtain the same effect
Many thanks by advance
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Display Problem on phone
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 3
Quote From : jerome_45 February 4, 2022, 8:34 am
Hi all,I am with the last WP version and with pagelayer.
On my home page a part is with too much boxes displayed simultaneously and the display is bad as too compressed on phones (On laptop the result is correct)
But in the other part of my home page each box is display separated on phones and you scroll left and right and the display is perfect (on laptop they are displayed in the same time and it s ok)

Can you give me the setting to obtain the same effect
Many thanks by advance

As per the issue described, its looks like you have not set the responsive values for the widgets.

You can follow the link below to design in the responsive setting:

We are also attaching the documentation for changing the tablet & mobile container width:

If still facing any issues open a ticket on Deskuss.
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