bbr <![CDATA[bbr]]>
Quote From : yunzhuji April 21, 2019, 10:38 am
BBR is  TCP networks optimization techniques of google. it can reduce network packet loss.
In case of network bad,it very effective.obviously improve network.improve the upload speed.
But integration within the linux kernel. if i install bbr. virtualizor can't normal work.

if include bbr. it can improve the speed of access to the virtualizor console]]>
Sun, 21 Apr 2019 10:41:13 GMT
<![CDATA[]]> In case of network bad,it very effective.obviously improve network.improve the upload speed.
But integration within the linux kernel. if i install bbr. virtualizor can't normal work.]]>
Sun, 21 Apr 2019 10:38:48 GMT