
Topic : Multiple domains with different WordPress install

Posted By: olind on September 28, 2018, 6:46 pm
I'm moving away from the build in OSX Apache, PHP, MySQL-stack on OSX (since it changes everytime Apple updates anything).

I would like to add an entry for my domains to my hosts-file. I found a feature in Ampps for that and it added the .localhost version of my domain-name perfectly.

I then installed WordPress to that domain and opened the web browser for that domain. It sent me to the root folder instead of the .localhost - folder.

In the long run I would like to have multiple .localhost-domains (~10) to separate folders.

Can it be done? If so - what am I missing?


Posted By: olind on September 30, 2018, 5:41 pm | Post: 1
I just tried to solve the problem and found the vhosts-file where there is an entry that seems to make sense (I'm not a pro on this so I can be wrong :) )



#### olalindberg.localhost VirtualHost ####

<Directory "/Applications/AMPPS/www/olalindberg.localhost">
Options FollowSymLinks Indexes
AllowOverride All
Order deny,allow
allow from All
ServerName olalindberg.localhost
ServerAlias olalindberg.localhost
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/Applications/AMPPS/www/olalindberg.localhost/cgi-bin/"
DocumentRoot "/Applications/AMPPS/www/olalindberg.localhost"
ErrorLog "/Applications/AMPPS/apache/logs/olalindberg.localhost.err"
CustomLog "/Applications/AMPPS/apache/logs/olalindberg.localhost.log" combined


Posted By: olind on October 1, 2018, 9:08 am | Post: 2
I think I found a working solution to this:

Also looking a bit at this solution that is something I'm trying to get to in the long run:

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