Webuzo 3.8.3 Launched https://www.softaculous.com/board/index.php?tid=18996 <![CDATA[]]> https://www.softaculous.com/board/index.php?tid=18996&tpg=0#p56458

The Webuzo Team has released version 3.8.3  which includes some features or improvements and bug fixes.

1) [Feature] Admin can now import from cPanel via backup files or via user credentials

2) [Feature] Install quota while adding a storage

3) [Feature] Root user can now make SSO URLs for reseller panel as well

4) [Feature] Its possible to set the aliases for the Automatic SSL certs being issued. The default aliases are www.domain.com and mail.domain.com

5) [Improvement] Email delivery report will now be shown in descending order of time sent

6) [Improvement] API Login force instead of die when key is wrong www.domain.com and mail.domain.com

7) [Improvement] AWS support added for backup server type / test connection

8) [Improvement] Added the option to add notes for scheduled backups

9) [Improvement] The multi process management of Admin backups has been improved.

10) [Improvement] PHP session data will be auto cleared in every 24 hours.

11) [Improvement] Backups will now have separate DB files for each database.

12) [Improvement] If yum or apt is broken, Webuzo will now check for the same every hour.

13) [Improvement] Password strength policy check has been added to the Forgot Password utility.

14) [Improvement] ALTER_ROUTINE and EVENT permissions will now be added in MySQL.

15) [Bug-Fix] When a service certificate was updated in the admin panel, the certificate would not be updated immediately in the virtual hosts. This is fixed.

16) [Bug-Fix] DNS Zone serial was not updating with every change. This is fixed.

17) [Bug-Fix] When the IP of a user is updated, webservers other than Apache had some issues. This is fixed.

18) [Bug-Fix] Quota of users on secondary storage was not working at times. This is fixed.

19) [Bug-Fix] When PHP-FPM settings were changed, the logs default value was missing when the admin pasted a blank value. This is fixed.

20) [Bug-Fix] If the tasks data was very large, in rare cases the tasks page would not load in the admin panel. This is fixed.

21) [Bug-Fix] Local incremental backups would add to the disk quota of the user. This is fixed.

22) [Bug-Fix] Track email delivery would not be able to track the email when there were multiple recepients. This is fixed.

23) [Bug-Fix] Bind will now rebuild zones when IP of user is changed

24) [Bug-Fix] Several MongoDB fixes have been made.

25) [Bug-Fix] OpenLiteSpeed service has been renamed from lsws to lshttpd for best compatibility

26) [Bug-Fix] If PureFTPD Settings were saved, the ForcePassiveIP value was set which caused issues at times. This is fixed.

Launched in Release Candidate(11-04-2023)

Please stay tuned for more and if you have any suggestions, do let us know by emailing it to sales@webuzo.com

The Webuzo Team]]>
Tue, 11 Apr 2023 12:40:16 GMT https://www.softaculous.com/board/index.php?tid=18996&tpg=0#p56458