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You are here: Index > Webuzo > General Support > Topic : Webuzo showing default page after uploading files in public html issue

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 Webuzo showing default page after uploading files in public html issue (1 Replies, Read 108972 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 1
I deployed a simple "index.html" file in the "public_html" directory of the server after initial setup. I have followed every known step of initial setup instructed in documentation and more. Pointed the ip correctly, however when the URL is hit (of the html file i just uploaded) the default page of webuzo server is displayed instead of my project's home page.
IP: --   

 RubabatulUrba   Webuzo showing default page after uploading files in public html issue (1 Replies, Read 108972 times)
    |--  Brijesh   Hi, Are you...   on September 21, 2023, 8:27 am

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