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 Webuzo showing default page after uploading files in public html issue (1 Replies, Read 108958 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 1
I deployed a simple "index.html" file in the "public_html" directory of the server after initial setup. I have followed every known step of initial setup instructed in documentation and more. Pointed the ip correctly, however when the URL is hit (of the html file i just uploaded) the default page of webuzo server is displayed instead of my project's home page.
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Webuzo showing default page after uploading files in public html issue
Group: Softaculous Team
Post Group: Super Member
Posts: 5701

Are you using NAT configuration ?

If yes please go to Webuzo admin panel and search for "Apache Settings" and select the "No IP in Virtual Host" checkbox and save the settings.

Do let us know if you still face the issue.

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