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You are here: Index > AMPPS > Suggestions > Topic : Windows background service without windows logon

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 Windows background service without windows logon, Start windows service (1 Replies, Read 78340 times)
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Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 1
ampps not start windows background service without windows logon.
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Windows background service without windows logon
Group: Softaculous Team
Post Group: Super Member
Posts: 5701

Sorry for the delay in response.

AMPPS does not start Windows background service without Windows logon.

To run AMPPS as Windows background service without Windows logon please follow these steps :

1. Go to the AMPPS settings

2. In the settings window look for Start on session startup, select the checkbox

3. Click Apply and now try restarting your Windows PC

4. AMPPS will start without login (It might take some time)

If you face any issues please let us know.

Edited by Brijesh : May 24, 2023, 1:38 pm

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