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 Rainloop "Authenticatoin Failed" while sending emails, Unable to send and receive emails through rainloop (17 Replies, Read 31192 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 19

I've trying to send and receive emails through rainloop, but to no avail.
Whenever I try to send an email the following error is shown "Authentication Failed".
Upon checking the log file I could not figure out what is wrong,

The domain configuration file (xxx.com.ini) is shown below:

imap_host = "xx.xx.xx.xxx"
imap_port = 143
imap_secure = "None"
smtp_host = "xx.xx.xx.xxx"
smtp_port = 25
smtp_secure = "None"
smtp_auth = On

I also have attached the complete log generated when sending an email, and the following lines seem be the most relevant ones :


[21:40:02.883][cd39d9d2] INFO[ERROR]: exception 'MailSo\Smtp\Exceptions\LoginBadMethodException' with message 'MailSo-Smtp-Exceptions-LoginBadMethodException (SmtpClient.php ~ 309)' in /usr/local/webuzo/enduser/webuzo/rainloop/rainloop/v/1.12.1/app/libraries/MailSo/Smtp/SmtpClient.php:309
Next exception 'RainLoop\Exceptions\ClientException' with message 'AuthError[102]' in /usr/local/webuzo/enduser/webuzo/rainloop/rainloop/v/1.12.1/app/libraries/RainLoop/Actions.php:6331
[21:40:02.883][cd39d9d2] AJAX[DATA]: {"Action":"SendMessage","Result":false,"ErrorCode":102,"ErrorMessage":"","ErrorMessageAdditional":"","Time":2707}

But I am not sure how to go aboit it. Any ideas what is wrong?

Best Regards,
IP: --   

 vtolenti89   Rainloop "Authenticatoin Failed" while sending emails, Unable to send and receive emails through rainloop (17 Replies, Read 31192 times)
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