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 Accessing files in a VPS backup file (.img.gz) (4 Replies, Read 27971 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 2
I am using a Backup Plan in Virtualizor to complete a full backup of a VPS.  This creates a img.gz file.  I can decompress the gz file to obtain the img file.

Is there a way I mount or restore the img file somewhere separate from the production server so I can access files contained within?
IP: --   

Accessing files in a VPS backup file (.img.gz)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 3
After extracting from .img.gz file to .img file, you can refer below setps to mount your backup file on server.
The below kpartx command will create mapper :

kpartx -l /backupfile_path/vps_disk.img

kpartx -avs /backupfile_path/vps_disk.img

After that you have to mount the mapper with /mnt directory or whatever you want

mount /dev/mapper/loop0p1 /mnt  (you need to check correct mapper provided by above kaprtx -avs command)

Then you can check your data in /mnt or your specified directory

After verifying all your data if you want to unmount that disk then you can umount the disk with the below command :

umount /mnt

kpartx -d /backupfile_path/vps_disk.img

Please let us know if you need further assistance

IP: --   

Accessing files in a VPS backup file (.img.gz)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 3
After extracting from .img.gz file to .img file, you can refer below setps to mount your backup file on server.
The below kpartx command will create mapper :

kpartx -l /backupfile_path/backup_file.img

kpartx -avs /backupfile_path/backup_file.img

After that you have to mount the mapper with /mnt directory or whatever you want

mount /dev/mapper/loop0p1 /mnt  (you need to check correct mapper provided by above kaprtx -avs command)

Then you can check your data in /mnt or your specified directory

After verifying all your data if you want to unmount that disk then you can umount the disk with the below command :

umount /mnt

kpartx -d /backupfile_path/backup_file.img

Please let us know if you need further assistance

IP: --   

Accessing files in a VPS backup file (.img.gz)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 2
That worked perfectly.  Thank you very much, and I'm grateful for the timely response.
IP: --   

Accessing files in a VPS backup file (.img.gz)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 1
Quote From : ShadsNZ January 11, 2024, 3:25 am
I am using a Backup Plan in Virtualizor to complete a full backup of a VPS.  This creates a img.gz file.  I can decompress the gz file to obtain the img file.

Is there a way I mount or restore the img file somewhere separate from the production server so I can access files contained within?

Yes, you can easily restore the .img file from the Backup Plan created in Virtualizor on a separate server. You can mount the .img file on another server to access its contents. This is especially useful if you want to access files without affecting the production server. You can do this on a cheap virtual server without any hassle. Just decompress the .gz file to get the .img file and then mount it on the separate server to access the files inside.
IP: --   

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