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You are here: Index > Virtualizor - Virtual Server Control Panel > Suggestions > Topic : Proxmox Firewall Manager for Client

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 Proxmox Firewall Manager for Client (1 Replies, Read 64898 times)
Group: NOC
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 15
I would like to know if it is possible for you to add the proxmox firewall management in the client panel and in the WHMCS plugin.

It would be very interesting if we could allow the customer to create firewall rules for their VPS on hosts with Proxmox.

Are there any predictions for this feature?

Mega Provedor - Brazil Datacenter
Visit: https://www.megaprovedor.com.br
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Proxmox Firewall Manager for Client
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 21
I was just going to make a topic about it ;)
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