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 Logoutbutton in Softaculous, "GET /CMD_LOGOUT" to log out is deprecated. (1 Replies, Read 15869 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Working Newbie
Posts: 63
Hello dear team,
under DirectAdmin, when I am in the Softaculous panel and klick there on the logout button, then I get for a few seconds the following errormessage:
"Using "GET /CMD_LOGOUT" to log out is deprecated. Please consider using "/api/logout" or "/api/session/login-as/return" to handle logout functions"

It still works afterwards and loggs me out, so its no prob, just wanted to mention it.
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Logoutbutton in Softaculous
Group: Softaculous Team
Post Group: Super Member
Posts: 5727

Thank you for notifying. We will fix this in the next release.

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