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 SpeedyCache 1.1.5 Launched (0 Replies, Read 20167 times)
Group: Pagelayer Team
Post Group: Working Newbie
Posts: 74
We have launched SpeedyCache 1.1.5, this is a minor release and contains bug fixes and a small feature improvement.

The changes are as follows:-

* [Bug-Fix] There was an issue with preload that has been fixed.
* [Bug-Fix] There was a conflict with SuperPWA that has been fixed.
* [Bug-Fix] PHP Warnings have been fixed.
* [Task] Tested with WordPress 6.5.
* [Pro Feature] Option to exclude JS files from getting deferred.

The SpeedyCache team is working on improving the plugin to help you improve the performance of your WordPress site. If you have any suggestions or feedback do let us know at support@speedycache.com

SpeedyCache Team
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