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 PopularFX - Templates 1.2.3 Launched (0 Replies, Read 24229 times)
Group: Pagelayer Team
Post Group: Working Member
Posts: 176

The PopularFX team has released version 1.2.3.
This version has many improvements & bug fixes for PopularFX Templates.
Following is the list of changes :

1) [Task] Updated to the latest version of Pagelayer widgets.
2) [Task] Added the "HTML Tag" option in the post title widget. Now you can select the tags to wrap the post title.
3) [Bug-Fix] In some cases, there was a PHP error when accessing the PopularFX license page. This has been fixed.

We will be launching many more changes in the upcoming version.
We would also like to thank the WordPress community as we have reached 100000+ active PopularFX users.

The PopularFX Team
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