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 SitePad 1.8.1 Launched in Stable branch (0 Replies, Read 10620 times)
Group: Pagelayer Team
Post Group: Working Member
Posts: 158

We have launched SitePad 1.8.1 in the Stable branch.

1) [Added] Rest API is disabled by default, added option to enable Rest API in general settings.
2) [Bug-Fix] In certain cases, the video URLs were not created correctly. This is fixed.
3) [Bug-Fix] In certain cases, google fonts were not loaded properly. This is fixed.
4) [Bug-Fix] Image cropping was not working properly in PHP 8 and above. This is fixed.
5) [Bug-Fix] In some cases the old editor was unable to access due to some PHP warnings. This is fixed.
6) [Bug-Fix] In PHP 8 and above, the mail attachment was not working properly with Sitepad. This is fixed.

In the next version, we will try to enable caching for improving the website speed and also backup options. Many more features are also in the making for E-Commerce and blogging options.

The SitePad Team
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 jivans   SitePad 1.8.1 Launched in Stable branch (0 Replies, Read 10620 times)

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