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 Virtualizor KVM on OVH/SYS Server, Install VIRTUALIZOR KVM on a OVH or SYS server. (4 Replies, Read 5358 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Working Newbie
Posts: 90
Here is a step by step tutorial:

1. Install/reinstall the server with "Custom installation" and edit the size of the partions:


/= 100000 MB
SWAP = 4500 MB
/home = Space remaining

2. Click on "Next" and wait till the server is installed

3. Log in via SSH as root

4. Create a new volume grop. Use this commands:


umount /home
pvcreate /dev/md3
vgcreate vg /dev/md3

If you see this: WARNING: ext4 signature detected on /dev/md3 at offset 1080. Wipe it? [y/n]: (type 'y' for Yes)

Notice: md3 is just an example. You have to check the name of the free mounted file system which will be used for the 'Storage' in Virtualizor. It could be 'sd*, md*, etc. deppending on your OS

5. Check if the volume group exist with:





vgdisplay -A

Now your new volume group is called 'vg' and the path should be: '/dev/vg' (will be used in Virtualizor by adding the storage later).

6. Edit the '/etc/fstab' with an editor like 'nano' and comment the line with an '#':


dev/md3 /home

like this:


#/dev/md3 /home

6. Reboot the server with the command:



7. Now go to the Vizrualizor admin page, choose 'Storage > Add Storage

Under 'Storage Path' put the path to the created volume group like this: /dev/md3 (md3 is just an example, it might be something else...)

8. Save and maybe reboot the server again

Now you have added a new storage to Virtualizor which can be used by creating your new VPSs.

IP: --   

 indy0077   Virtualizor KVM on OVH/SYS Server, Install VIRTUALIZOR KVM on a OVH or SYS server. (4 Replies, Read 5358 times)
    |--  indy0077   For THIS we...   on August 18, 2017, 11:39 pm
    |--  chirag   Hi, Sir we...   on August 28, 2017, 6:51 am
    |--  indy0077   Hi, Sir we...   on August 28, 2017, 4:16 pm
    |--  chirag   Hi, Sir it...   on August 29, 2017, 7:55 am

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