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 Adding More Boxes to Radio Schedule, Managing the Sitepad Radio Theme (0 Replies, Read 20695 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 1
I'm fighting the learning curve moving from Wordpress to Sitepad. Our long-time webhost went belly up and I had to rebuild our college radio station's website from scratch on a new host. I found the Wordpad Radio theme and it seemed to fit well, but...
I cannot figure out how to add more hour-boxes to the schedule!
You can see the demo site here: sitepad dot com/themes/radio
OR, even better, look at the work-in-progress site for the station:
dolphinradio dot org (as the new kid, I'm not allowed to post real links)
and scroll down to the Weekly Shows/Radio Schedule section. Near as I can figure, darned near everything can have its parameters adjusted, but I am lost on how to add more show boxes.  Would appreciate help, but please assume I'm an utter noob (because I am) and explain stuff as fully as you can (like you're talking to somebody's not-so-bright brother-in-law)!
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