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 Add markdown service to Softaculous , ie HedgeDoc/CodiMD? (4 Replies, Read 21727 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 4
Hello,I love Softaculous as it allowed someone like me (not a dev nor a techie) to install several CMS. Now I'm working daily using Markdown, and it would be awesome to be able to install an instance of a markdown online service from a script. Is there a way that Softaculous embed a script for HedgeDoc, for example (as I think of it as the best markdown online collaborative app) ? Or better, for HackMD, but I know it's not open source…
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Add markdown service to Softaculous , ie HedgeDoc/CodiMD?
Group: Softaculous Team
Post Group: Elite Member
Posts: 282

Thanks for the suggestion. We will check these scripts and let you know if we can add this in Softaculous.

Punit Varia
Script Packaging Head
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Add markdown service to Softaculous , ie HedgeDoc/CodiMD?
Group: Softaculous Team
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 41
It seems that the scripts HackMD is the paid script and CodiMD is the free version of HackMD (With limited features)

HedgeDoc and CodiMD both requires Nodejs to work and we don't support nodejs scripts at Softaculous and hence we won't be able to provide the requested scripts.
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Add markdown service to Softaculous , ie HedgeDoc/CodiMD?
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 4
Thanks you both for your answer. Too bad that HedgeDoc/CodiMD's requirements are too far from the rules of Softaculous, cause it simply (one of) the best online real time collaborative tool to write markdown that is FOSS and could be installed on any server.
Reading further I realize that it should require Docker to be installed, I suppose that it's too much to make it a Softaculous script.

But, if you heard about a web app for collaborative markdown writing that could match your requirements.

Best regard
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Add markdown service to Softaculous , ie HedgeDoc/CodiMD?
Group: Softaculous Team
Post Group: Elite Member
Posts: 282

Sure we will search for another app similar to this written in PHP and try to add the same. If you find one do let us know on this thread.

Punit Varia
Script Packaging Head
IP: --   

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