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 Changes to Crowdsignal in Dashboard (2 Replies, Read 56453 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 1
Howdy! After helping a member in the forums with their question about removing the star ratings from their posts, it looks like there’s been some major changes to the Crowdsignal (formerly Polldaddy) dashboard on our sites.

Keeping in mind that I have WP Admin set as default on my account, on some of my sites I have a full-blown introduction to Crowdsignal’s available blocks and on some of my other sites a list of the polls I’ve previously created with a link to manage them directly on Crowdsignal. I’m not certain I understand what triggers one page or the other. For example, on wpcommaven, where I have created and added polls to that site in the past, I have the introduction page, but no link to manage those same polls.

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Changes to Crowdsignal in Dashboard
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 18
Quote From : Zane10 July 16, 2021, 7:23 pm
Howdy! After helping a member in the forums with their question about removing the star ratings from their posts, it looks like there’s been some major changes to the Crowdsignal (formerly Polldaddy) dashboard on our sites.

Keeping in mind that I have WP Admin set as default on my account, on some of my sites I have a full-blown introduction to Crowdsignal’s available blocks and on some of my other sites a list of the polls I’ve previously created with a link to manage them directly on Crowdsignal. I’m not certain I understand what triggers one page or the other. For example, on wpcommaven, where I have created and added polls to that site in the past, I have the introduction page, but no link to manage those same polls.

Kindly get support from Crowdsignal’s support system, they will help out with your issues.
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Warm regards,
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Changes to Crowdsignal in Dashboard
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 1
Thanks for your question. I have also faced this type of issue for quite a long, but after doing proper research I get proper solutions for this which I am sharing with you -
You likely found this page, because you were wondering about the recent changes on our Feedback page in the admin area of WordPress.com:

WP-Admin > Feedback > Crowdsignal

Your place to manage all your Crowdsignal projects. Unfortunately, this area was so far very limited. It only allowed you to manage Crowdsignal polls, but not any of your surveys or other Crowdsignal blocks, like NPS, Feedback Button, Voting, and many more.

Manage all of your Crowdsignal projects in one place right out of WPAdmin
We want to offer you a place that allows you to manage all of your Crowdsignal projects in one place right out of WPAdmin. First I have faced this while working on the HRMS. We want to give you the same functionality that you might know from your dashboard on app.crowdsignal.com

From now on you can see all your Crowdsignal projects inside of the Crowdsignal page in WP-Admin. Easily differentiate each project type via icons and get access to your results pages via just one click.

Filter your projects via two tabs. The “Me” tab lists all the projects created via your personal Crowdsignal account, including projects not necessarily related to this WordPress site. Basically, I have faced this problem while using the on erp. If you have not yet any Crowdsignal projects in your account, you will see a page that introduces you to our full range of Crowdsignal blocks.

The second tab is the “On this Site” tab and shows you all the Crowdsignal blocks that are connected to this specific WordPress site.

Discover all Crowdsignal blocks
We want to encourage you to use our Crowdsignal blocks. Click on the “Create New” button, and we will show you a list of all our blocks and for each a short tutorial on how to add it inside your WordPress editor.

Create your Crowdsignal polls and other blocks right from your WordPress editor, no need anymore to copy/paste any shortcodes. Only for embedding surveys do you still need to paste a link or shortcode. We are already working on a solution for this ;).

Just in case: Can I get my old editor back?
For all of you who at this point say: “Sorry, I need to rely on the old way of doing things, and I can’t look right now into your changes” … we have good news:

You still have access to the old poll editor in WPAdmin, for all of your previously created polls via the old editor. Move with your mouse over one of these legacy polls and click on the appearing “Edit” link:

For creating polls that you would like to embed via a shortcode or an iFrame somewhere else, you can do this anytime via app.crowdsignal.com.

If you want to create new polls via the old legacy editor, then you can do this via the link below. Simply replace your site name in the following URL:
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