
Topic : Imagick module

Posted By: tonymlWb01 on April 23, 2021, 12:36 am
Hello, How can I install imagick module on centos? Anybody could help me? Thanks

Posted By: Ravivishwakarma on April 23, 2021, 6:58 am | Post: 1
Hi, you can use the following steps:

To install Imagick open ssh as a root user and give this command :

yum install ImageMagick

After installing you need to know where it gets installed :

(1a) path = this is where imagick will be installed /usr/include/ImageMagick OR /usr/bin/convert

Now we need to get PHP working with this extension so we do this command in ssh (using PHP 7.3 in this demo)

/usr/local/apps/php73/bin/pecl install imagick

On the install, it will ask for prefix path,  paste the path from (1a)

after this we need to create a link in this path  /usr/local/apps/php73/ext  , link name will be with this path /usr/local/apps/php73/lib/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20151012/ for my demo (check /usr/local/apps/php73/lib/extensions/ folder for the no debug folder name  that applies on your case) .

you can use the command

ln /usr/local/apps/php73/lib/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20151012/ /usr/local/apps/php73/ext/

After creating the link we need to activate the extension so we go to /usr/local/apps/php70/etc/php.d and edit the extra.ini file by adding this after adding the extension and saving the file, we go to webuzo panel and restart apache from “services”.

If you use any other PHP as a default make changes according to it.

Let us know if you need any further assistance.

Posted By: tonymlWb01 on April 23, 2021, 5:19 pm | Post: 2
Thank you Ravivishwakarma for your fast response, It works well, but I´m facing a troubles in another server that I have (nginx) and I cant do works, everithing looks ok but in wordpress health appears that the module of imagick is missing

Posted By: Ravivishwakarma on April 24, 2021, 7:05 am | Post: 3

Have you able to see the Imagick extension. You can check by using the command PHP -m.

If you face an issue then you can raise a support ticket on

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