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 Sitepad Questions (0 Replies, Read 73106 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 1
Hello everyone, a few questions about SitePad if anyone can maybe help.

1) I've got a simple website which currently has 4 pages, all built with Sitepad. For some reason, one of the pages prompts Chrome to open the little pop up box saying it is translating from Spanish to English. But nothing on the page is actually in Spanish, so I am not sure why that happens. It does not seems to happen in Firefox or Edge browsers. Not a big deal but makes the site feel less professional, is there any setting that I might change so that doesn't happen? Again, the entire site is in English only so I don't know why that happens.

2) As things advance I am sure I'll outgrow Sitepad and want to switch to Wordpress. Is there any simple way to do that, or would I need to start from scratch?
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