firewall ports <![CDATA[firewall ports]]> Vnc ports range starts from 5901 .You may need to allow in firewall.You can allow 5901-6000 for now.
Mon, 12 Nov 2018 06:57:45 GMT
<![CDATA[firewall ports]]> Outbound is not a critical point. You should allow ports 80,443 for normal web access / downloads.
Everything else is not virtualizor related. (UDP 53 for DNS access and so on..)
If you have a border firewall in front of Virtualizor Master/nodes don´t forget to manage the ports for the subnets (means the vps IPs)
Sat, 10 Nov 2018 12:57:01 GMT
<![CDATA[firewall ports]]>
Quote From : wolke November 10, 2018, 12:16 pm
Virtualizor uses Ports 4081-4085 (TCP)
But you should know that 4082 and 4084 are unsecure http ports which you should not use at all costs. Instead create a certificate for all Nodes and only use 4081,4083,4085
You should also keep the ports 4083 & 4085 closed on all slaves (except for Master which need to connect at port 4085 to slaves, so you need to set an exception for that.)
You should not use the inbuilt firewall as this is VERY basic and I never managed to get it working the way I want. Instead install csf.

I have a firewall in front of virtualizor, hence the question :)

Are there any other ports it uses, such as for vnc, for example?
What is the outbound traffic? What's the IP of the OS template server? Which IP's should I whitelist for support?]]>
Sat, 10 Nov 2018 12:48:06 GMT
<![CDATA[firewall ports]]> But you should know that 4082 and 4084 are unsecure http ports which you should not use at all costs. Instead create a certificate for all Nodes and only use 4081,4083,4085
You should also keep the ports 4083 & 4085 closed on all slaves (except for Master which need to connect at port 4085 to slaves, so you need to set an exception for that.)
You should not use the inbuilt firewall as this is VERY basic and I never managed to get it working the way I want. Instead install csf.
Sat, 10 Nov 2018 12:16:04 GMT
What are all the ports virtualizor uses? web, mail, vnc,... everything. I looked at the wiki, but couldn't find a clear list.

Sat, 10 Nov 2018 00:09:02 GMT